Rule and Regulations of RNJ Swimming Academy

  1. Students must notify us 48 hours in advance if want to ask for leave. For sick leave, students must have a medical certificate. If there is no reasonable leave or absent without any earlier inform, we will directly deduct that lesson without replacement class.
  2. Lesson will only conduct four weeks per month which RNJ Swimming Academy lesson will rest on if there are 29, 30 or 31 of each month (Fifth Week).
  3. The number of students in a swimming class depends on the students’ abilities, minimum 4 students to start a class.
  4. Students cannot choose their own coaches. Our center will make reasonable arrangements for coaches to teach students according to their abilities.
  5. Any cancellation of swimming lesson by management of RNJ Swimming Academy will be informed.
  6. Swimmers are not allowed to enter the pool without Coaches, if any accident happen before or after lesson, RNJ Swimming Academy will not take responsible.
  7. All the personal belongings have to take care by own and RNJ Swimming Academy will not be responsible for any lost for own personal belongings.
  8. All paid fees, registration fee, travel fees, swimming lessons fee and deposit are non-refundable.
  9. RNJ Swimming Academy Holiday will be two times a year which is Chinese New Year and last week of December. (The lesson will be arranged to replace before or after the holiday)
  10. ONLY swimmers are allowed in the center/ pool area, all parents/visitors/guardians are not allowed to wait at the center unless permitted by the coaches.
  11. For the ‘No Improvement Full Refund Program’, the student has to come to the class with full commitment without any class missed weekly, and the student has to follow the full instructions given by the coach when learning how to swim. This program applies to age 7 and above and must attend 15 class as minimum.
  12. Refund policy: We are only able to accept refunds with Medical Certificate that proves to the doctor that the student will be permanent and can’t swim (please be noted that Whatsapp/SMS conversation will not be considered as an MC). Alternatively, the student swimming program will be able to free upgrade to the none expiry date package, the student program can be unlimited extent.
    The refund formula will be followed as below:
    Fees have been Paid
    (-) Free Gift (RM138)
    (-) Use up lessons (based on RM50 per lessons rate)
    (-) 18% of administrative charges on fees have been paid
    = Refund Amount.
    The management has the absolute right to reject any refund case.
  13. 48-hour Absent With Early Notice: Students who apply absent with early notice 48 hours in advance each absenteeism credit can be replaced by a class up to 2 future classes only. Please note that the maximum replacement class is only able done it up to 2 times. The 3rd replacement class will not be able to proceed in the system, and the class will be considered absent.
  14. Student transfer branch is subject to RM100 transfer fees, student progress and schedule detail will be moved to the new branch.
  15. Student transfer credit should only transfer to the existing students only. transfer to none existing student is not allowed. If want to be transfer have to remit RM100 registration fee.
  16. Holiday swimming program must be complete during the holiday period, exceeding the period will be consider class taken
  17. All signed up/ renew package shall not be share with any individual , one package shall be use in one student only.
  18. All the free gift / free package / free competition registration fees / free grading shall not exchange for money.
  19. The deposit will be used for the last month of swimming lessons. If the student wishes to discontinue the course, a one-month notice is required.
  20. Package Expiry Date: For all students who register after July 31st, 2023, we will no longer apply the non-expiry class package. All packages will have an expiry date based on the package that the student signed up for. The expiry period will begin counting from the first day of your class. This means that once you start your classes, you will have to complete the package before the expiry date. Please take note of this change and plan your class schedule accordingly

*By replying Agree will be sufficient to act as a signatory of buyer to agree above in term and condition.

RNJ Swimming Academy 条规

  1. 如果想请假,学生必须提前48小时通知我们。若是请病假,必须要有医疗证明。如果没有合理的请假或没提早通知的缺席,我们将直接扣除该堂课而不能补课。
  2. RNJ Swimming Academy所有的课程将会学四个星期,并在每个月的29,30和31日(第5个星期)休息。
  3. 泳课的学生人数取决于学生的能力,至少4名学生才开班。
  4. 学生不能自行选择教练。我们的中心会做合理的安排教练,以学生的能力教学。
  5. 如有任何课程取消将会由RNJ Swimming Academy的管理员通过Whatsapp 和 Telegram通知。
  6. 在游泳课开始之前学生不能私自先进入游泳池,如任何意外发生,RNJ Swimming Academy将一概不负责。
  7. 所有贵重物品需要自己保管好,如有任何遗失或损坏,RNJ Swimming Academy将一概不负责。
  8. 所有已缴付的学费,工作坊费用, 旅行费用,报名费,学费和定金,恕不退还。
  9. RNJ Swimming Academy一年将会放假两个星期,华人新年和12月份最后一个星期,补课将会在假期前或后安排补课。
  10. 中心/泳池区只允许学生进入, 除非教练允许,否则所有家长/访客/监护人不得在中心等候。
  11. 对于“无进步全额退款计划”,学生必须全神贯注地上课,每周不能有缺课,并且学生在学习游泳时必须遵循教练给出的全部指示。 此计划适用于 7 岁及以上至少上了15堂课以上。
  12. 退款政策:我们只接受医生证明该学生将是永久并且不能游泳的医疗证明 (一定要是书写公函,不能接受Whatsapp/短信证明)。 否则,学生游泳课程可以免费升级到无有效期配套,学生游泳课程可以无限延期。 退款公式如下: 已支付费用 (-) 免费游泳器材 (RM138) (-) 以用的课(以每课 RM50 收费) (-)18% 的行政收费= 退款金额 管理层有绝对权利拒绝任何退款申请。
  13. 48 小时提前通知缺席:适用于提前 48 小时提前通知申请缺席的学生, 前 2 次补课是不会扣除上课节数。 请注意,最大尺度补课换最多只能补 2 节个课而已。 第3次补课将无法在系统中处理,该课将被视为已缺席。
  14. 学生转学分行需缴付RM100转校费,学生进度及时间表详情将移至新分院。
  15. 学生转让课程只能转给现有学生。 不允许转给不是现有学生。如果是需要做转让给不是现有的学生需要缴付RM100的报名费。
  16. 假期游泳项目必须在假期完成,超过假期时期会当作课程已经完成。
  17. 所有报名或者续课的配套不得与别人共用,一个配套仅限一名学员使用而已。
  18. 所有免费赠品 / 免费配套 / 免费比赛报名费 / 免费评估一律不能兑换成现金。
  19. 押金将用于最后一个月的游泳学习费用。如果学生想要退出课程,需要提前一个月通知。
  20. 配套截至日期:对于所有在2023年7月31日之后报名的学生,所有配套将拥有的截至日期。到期期限将从您上课的第一天开始计算。这意味着一旦您开始上课,您将有对应的时间来完成该配套。请注意此更改并相应地规划您的课程时间表。

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8A.M. – 10P.M.

游泳课程优惠介绍 【免费送出3节游泳课】